The Advisor Solutions Podcast
The Advisor Solutions Podcast is designed to help financial advisors, insurance agents and wholesalers build a better solution at a time. Daniel C. Finley is the host of The Advisor Solutions Podcast and the President and Co-Founder of Advisor Solutions. He has had over 25,000 hours of coaching sessions with groups and individuals.
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
The Advisor Solutions Podcast EP 23- Creating an Effective Email System
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Have you noticed that you get more emails now then you ever did before? Do you find that when you are constantly being interrupted by email that you feel obligated to look at them the minute they come in?
If so, know this… you, are not alone!
Most financial advisors, insurance agents, wholesalers, branch managers and agency managers feel that they can’t get away from the constant influx of incoming emails. We all have become conditioned to review and reply to emails immediately… but there is a better way to manage them.
In this episode, learn a process for creating an effective email system.
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
The Advisor Solutions Podcast EP 22- Managing The Clock & The Compass
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Do you ever feel lost during your workday? It’s like you are running around trying to get as much done as you can and you feel that you have to keep up that pace. In other words, you are always busy but you aren’t always productive.
If this sounds like you, know that you are not alone.
Most financial advisors, insurance agents, wholesalers, branch managers and even agency managers don’t have a process for making the most of their time. In other words, they don’t have a process for managing both the clock and the compass, time and productivity.
In this episode, learn some techniques for being more productive rather than just busy.
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
The Advisor Solutions Podcast EP 21- The Solutions Formula
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Do you ever run into the same challenges in your business and not know what to do? Does it seem like these challenges happen over-and-over again?
If this sounds like you, know that you are not alone.
Most financial advisors, insurance agents, wholesalers, branch managers and even agency managers don’t have a process for overcoming common challenges. There is a series of steps that offer a solution. I call it, The Solutions Formula.
In this episode, learn a process for getting past challenges!
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
The Advisor Solutions Podcast EP 20- Putting Passion Back Into Your Practice
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Do you remember the first day that you began working in the financial services industry? You were probably excited and maybe a little bit scared just ready to find your first client.
Do you still have that same level of excitement? Most likely, not.
Most financial advisors, insurance agents, wholesalers, branch managers and even agency managers typically don’t have a process for putting passion back into their practice. For so many, over the years you get so busy working “IN” the business that you forgot to work “ON” your business. As a result, somewhere along the way you can lose passion for the business.
In this episode, learn a process for putting passion back into your practice.
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
The Advisor Solutions Podcast EP 19- The Filler Formula
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Do you ever feel disconnected when you are in a prospecting meeting? In a meeting that feels awkward so you kept asking more questions and making more statements but you and the prospect just didn’t click!
Picture a meeting when you felt very connected! Why does one meeting go so well and another meeting doesn't go so well? It's most likely because you don’t have a process for building rapport. If this sounds familiar know that you are not alone!
Most advisors and agents don’t have a process for fostering a good connection and building rapport and they don’t even know it.
In this episode, learn about a strategic process that I call "The Filler Formula" which fills in the conversation to form a better connection and help the prospect feel heard!
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
The Advisor Solutions Podcast EP 18- How to Enjoy the Journey
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Do you love what you do? I mean really love it, not like it but love it! You can’t wait to get up in the morning and get to the office.
At some point, most advisors and agents go through a time where they don’t enjoy their business. So, what to do? You have two choices, you could keep doing what you are doing, liking your business sometimes and other times not or you could learn how to simply enjoy the journey!
In this episode, learn a process to love what you do and do what you love.
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
The Advisor Solutions Podcast EP 17- How to Master Questions Based Selling
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Which is easier to do as an advisor/agent, ask a question or make a statement?
If you said make a statement, you are right! Making a statement is easier because you are expressing what you believe to be the solution(s). And, therein lies the problem.
When you are making statements, you may be coming off as trying to “sell” to people. Most people don’t want to be sold to, rather they want to choose to buy! The way to get people to understand why they should buy is by asking them the right types of questions, so they come to their own conclusions.
Most advisors and agents don’t have a process of how to ask the right types of questions. They are too busy telling people what they know. However, what if you knew how to ask the right types of questions to uncover their situations, problems, the implication of not fixing the problems and the value of your solutions. Would you take your business to the next level? The answer is "yes".
In this episode, you will learn several ways ask better questions that will create better connections.
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
The Advisor Solutions Podcast EP 16- How to Handle Objections
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Do you know exactly what to do the next time you hear an objection? Or, do you find yourself stuck not having a process and not being able to overcome objections?
Most advisors and agents don’t have a process for handling objections. And, they don’t even know it! Or, they don’t want to admit it. However, what if you knew what to say and how to say it when you hear an objection? Would you look forward to getting objections?
In this episode, learn several ways to handle objections that will have a lasting impact on your business!
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
The Advisor Solutions Podcast EP 15- Building Your New Business Strategy List
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Do you know exactly how much new business you have in your pipeline? Or, do you “kind of” have an idea of what you might close this month?
Most advisors and agents don’t have an organized sales pipeline that can tell them how many people are in the pipeline, at what stage each person is at in the pipeline and if there are any clogs in their pipeline. In other words, they don’t have, what I call, a New Business Strategy List.
In this episode, learn about a tool that can transform your business by helping you organize, strategize and manage your sales pipeline!
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
The Advisor Solutions Podcast EP 14- The Client’s Evolution
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Do you ever wonder how strong your relationships are with your clients? You may have great relationships with your clients and hopefully you do. But are some of your clients' one-time customers while other clients are raving fans? If so, what makes that difference?
If you don’t know why, know that you are not alone! At some point all advisors and agents feel like they are closer to some clients more than they are with others.
In this episode, learn what to do to strengthen relationships and make a better connection with your clients.